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Farbfieber: Art in public space

You can click murals, actions, children- and youth-projects of the last years in the upper strip

Dear visitor, this side is under construction
but there is already a lot to enjoy


4.40grad-urbanart Festival in Düsseldorf


Exposicion: Five Artists- Five countries 2 x 50 meters



Weltbaustellen: 17 murals in 17 cities of Germany, a Project with Artist all over the world



3. 40grad-urbanart Festival Düsseldorf


2. 40grad-urbanart Festival Düsseldorf


Light in the tunnel

more than 40 artists designed on Saturday, 9th July 2011, the 100 m long underpass at Mintropplatz in Düsseldorf on the topic: Who owns the city
An example, without the bureaucracy and regulatory measures much more is possible in this city, as mega-events or commerce.
Was celebrated with a neighborhood festival, live music and lots of people. The underpass is now an attraction with many different images and always worth a visit.

Free space for movement
Free space of movement is a group of artists, art groups, cultural encounters and artists clubs from the free culture scene of Düsseldorf.
Places, streets, walls - the city belongs to the citizens and not the bureaucrats

Running Projects 2019

Furthermore Farbfieber is in negotiations with different house-owners in Düsseldorf and other towns for new projects. Planned is a Greek-German project with Athens.

However, as usual, still the financial means are absent, therefore, donations are seen furthermore with pleasure. E.g., to become a sponsor of our charitable association with only 20 € per month, to get all the informations and invitations of the projects and arrangements, and once a year a special graphic of involved artists

Beside many ideas, the project Mural-Mobil is continued, because the pictures argue topically with the questions of global poverty, environmental destruction and justice. The huge mobile murales (10 x 12 meters) can borrow for public actions.


" Bad Bank "
The Bad Bank, finished in April 2009 of the artist Klaus Klinger, now was censored!! Somebody unknown painted over the political part. Maybe a banker? Who could be, otherwise, against the picture. We try to find out. The picture is restored during the next days.
Topically opens the "Spielbank" on Ackerstrasse in Düsseldorf, which you can admire from three sides, from the street and from the trains which come from the north to Düsseldorf. If the taxpayer not fires enough for the worthless securities, it costs the customers the collar. Artist: Klaus Klinger
The project was allowed by the railway employees house building society.

"rien ne va plus"
From the 25th April hangs the 12 x 10 meter mobile mural "rien ne va plus" (as topically to the financial crisis) on the bunker in Duisburg.

It is not in such a way, as if it had known nobody, where these financial speculations lead to, even if everybody acts surprised now. Farbfieber has painted already in 2004 this 12 x 10 meter mobile mural together with an artist from Istanbul and an artist from Havana. Isn`t it very appropriate on the topical subject? Who knows a wall or scaffold, where the picture can be hung up publicly, announce please to Farbfieber. The pictures are transparent and can also be hung in front of windows.

In winter we began a series of mobile murales, the first hang already outside on different windows and start a walk through the town. Everybody can borrow the pictures for a period and attach in his window. Because they are painted on transparent net vinyl, they are light-permeable, so that nobody have to live in darkness. Just on the occasion of the approaching vote, that is a contribution of Farbfieber to the " direct democracy”.


“Was tun?” - " What to do? "
New mural near the central station in Düsseldorf, June 2008
All travelers from the north come to Düsseldorf by train, now are greeted by a monkey, which thinks about the state of the world.
It was made available by the railway employee house building society (EBV).

Vodafone brutally - art in the mud


Vodafone has verified his threat and has torn off the mural in the Vodafone multi-storey parkinghouse opposite the government building in Düsseldorf and has partially destroyed, although more than 1000 people have protested against it. Farbfieber now searches a new location for the mural. [more on the subject]

15.3.2006 protest action in front of the Vodafone head office

The association Farbfieber...

The association Farbfieber, from whose work during the last 40 years a huge number of murals all over the country and worldwide have originated, wants to stimulate the meeting and communication of the people with artistic means.Among the rest, the association organized from 1998 - in 2004 the worldwide project MURAL-GLOBAL (see above) in which more than 100 artists taken part from all over the world.
For his work the association has already got several honorings and prices.

Central subjects of the work of Farbfieber are
·the deferential, peaceful living of different cultures
·international cultural projects with artists from other continents
·intercultural work with juveniles and children
·the opening of the art for all social classes and
·the democratization of the public space
(You find further information about the association

Fürstenwall 210
40215 Düsseldorf
Tel./Fax: 0049-(0)211-378198